
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Our amazing eyes

Hello readers.

Last week my reading group started learning about the eye.

I am learning to read and find the appropriate information i am searching for.

Here are three facts i have learnt so far about the eye.

the first article I read was all about sleep. By Jill Mcdougall.

Dolphins can swim while they sleep. They only rest one half of their bran at a time. The other half stays awake.

Walruses also float whlie they sleep.The dig their long tusk into the ice so that they do not float away.

Some ducks sleep in a row on the water. The ducks on the end of the row keep one eye open while they sleep. If a predator comes near, they can warn the others.

I think the author  wrote this because she wants us to learn all about sleep and how nocturnal animals sleep.


  1. Hi Christina.I really enjoyed reading about how and why some animals sleep with their eyes open. Animals really fascinate me and I enjoy learning about them.I have learnt some things from your facts. I know walruses have long tusks, I didn't realize that they dug their tusks into the ice to stop them floating away. That's a COOL fact. I thought that most ducks would sleep on land and not the water.You'd hope that during the night the ducks would switch positions otherwise the end duck will be too tired to fly if a predator came. Maybe that is something you could look up next time and add it to your facts. Cheers

    1. Hi Christina. I have read your blog and noting new has been added. I just want you to know that I do keep checking for new work. Have a great day.

  2. Hey Christina its Tekatiti from Wigram primary school I like the way you were talking about how good our amazing eyes and it reminds me of when i was at my old school I was swimming in the pool I got cut in the eye from a sharp rock.

  3. Hey Christina,
    Its me Finau your friend I like your reading but maybe next time you could see what you are reading before you blog it but other than that you did a great. keep up the great work.

  4. Hello Mrs Cassidy and Tekatiti and finau thank you for commenting on my blog i hope you have commented on my other blogs i enjoyed the part when the Walruses also float whlie they sleep.The dig their long tusk into the ice so that they do not float away.i like the way you girl put capitals in my name i loved this because you girl commented on my blog

  5. Thank you guys for commenting on my blog i really really like how you asked me why some animals sleep with there eyes open the only animals that can open up there eyes when they sleep is small animals so have a great day Mrs Cassidy and Tekatit and Finau i have one or two questions for you have you ever seen a small animal with two eyes cause i have i was a duck cause i went to a duck place and i saw i duck with two eyes open it's eyes it was under a Bridge and my sister throw a rock at it and it woke up and i scream and ran away and i walked home because my house is near the duck place. Thank you for commenting on my blog.Bye have a great day.

  6. hi Christina i really like your blog post about the eyes.


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