
Saturday, 31 July 2021

Book :p

Hi guys & girls ,

Today i´m gonna tell you about the book holes we have been reading as a class for the last 1 term, So basically when we come into class some of us would see other people holding books with the title called holes. The person who wrote this book is Louis Sachar he is a author from america he is 67 years old he has also written 6 other books including holes.

The book holes was about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He was arrested for doing something he didn't do instead the police & the judge through it was a good idea to take Stanley somewhere else like a stranded place called Camp Green Lake but the thing is there is no lake in camp green lake they say that so the boys think that they are going to a place that "Good boys go".

My favourite character is Zero: Why? because of the confidence he has to sound out words he doesn't know. When people bully him for not knowing how to spell & say words properly he doesn't care he pulls & helps himself, Stanley Yelnats keeps helping Zero sound out words & teaching him how to say them :).

I enjoyed the book so much because of how Stanley has the confidence to make new friends at CGL its kinda good to make new friends at a place that no good kid goes to. I also liked reading the book because I close my eyes & it takes me to that place that's really hot & there's barely any water to survive there. 

I haven't seen the movie with my class but I watched it with my family I just couldn't be bothered coming to school cause I'm sick I thought I had the RSVP virus but nope just the normal sickness like coughing but not to bad.

Anyway back to the book. I would recommend the book to my other teachers & the principal because I mean its a good book I like it a lot. Yous should read sometime cause it is an amazing book that my class liked reading.

Also thank you beautiful people fro reading this blog please have a blessed day bye bye <3

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Tastinggg xo


I want to find out how we taste food.


If you look at your tongue in the mirror, you can see it's covered in little bumps. And in those bumps are taste buds. When you put something in your mouth, they send a message to your brain to give you information about whether the food is salty, sweet, sour, bitter or umami (a meaty, savoury taste) Back of the tongue extra sensitive and bitter just in case you taste something poisonous

o, technically speaking, spiciness is not a taste because it is not produced by taste buds and the nerve that carries the "spicy" signals to the brain is the trigeminal nerve


Equipment -
  • Unknown food
  • Blindfold
  • Person With A Tongue

Instructions :
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put your blindfold on 
  3. Block your nose 
  4. Put the food in your mouth and taste it
  5. Describe how it taste
  6. Release your nose and describe it


Food #1

It felt crunchie & I could taste sweet.

Food #2 
It felt weird & it tasted like sour & sweet 

Food #3
 It also felt weird & it tasted normal 

Food #4
It tasted nice & refreshing It was also sour & sweet

Food #5
It tasted sour & nice 

Food #6
 Sweet, same taste through out - Sugar
                                                              Food #7 
                                    Salty, same taste through out - Salt
                                                              Food #8
                                          Powdery & Salt - Baking Power
                                                             Food #9 
               Sour & Bitter at the same time with a sweet after taste - Citrus 

                                                             Food #10 

                                Powdery & Sour - All of those mixed together

I found out that my mouth is dying from eating & swallowing them all.

Shot for reading my blog :/ bye now 

Term 2 refection


Today I am gonna tell you about my term 2 highlights I don´t wanna do this but i´m being told to. I liked being in the same class as my friends so much memories to make when we leave to go to college & split up & do something else with our lives you know? & I also liked the work that they provided for me to do. I also showed resilience by participating in some of the work fun games that the teacher said we could do & also putting effort into my work. I did Drama,Art & Dnt & they were all fun my class & I had fun in drama. Term 3 my goal set for this term is to listen & pay attention,

The end bye

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Transitions & Enlargements

Dajia hao,

Welcome back to my Blog, Today we are talking about shaping up, we learnt about Reflection, Rotation, Translation, Enlargement & Shapes.

So Reflection: Reflection is where you flip an original shape and you come with another original but is actually the reflection. Rotation: rotation is were the shape or you switch to another place. Enlargement: Enlargement is where something grows bigger. Transition: Transition is something that can be used in movies or in music videos so I  did it to my shape its just a spin around type of thing so yea. SHAPES : You all know what shapes are yup  all those 3 things ( RRT) those are the 3 things is did with shapes/arrows I would like to show you what I did if you don't mind.


We also learnt about shapes, sides and vertices.
Okayy thank you for reading my blog. Please comment anything and I mean anything <3, Do you want to learn more about shapes? byee

The death of dora

 Kia ora,

Today I am going to talk about the stop motion I have made in art class with my friends. The people in my group are Tia,Temera & myself. Our project was about the death of dora, Dora was killed by a Ahaetulla nasuta & a black vicious monster that eats kids. So Dora was looking for boots with her backpack & hears crickets & owls & thinking theres nothing there she looks around before getting attacked by a black monster & it's pet sake called algae . We have a video of what it looks like it's fast but ya'll just gotta catch up 

Thank you people for reading my blog. Bye ELO POLICE